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Kitchen Island Makeover

Hey Guys! I wanted to stop in and bring you all an update on whats happening around the fixer house! We have been EXTREMELY busy these last couple of weeks!!! It seems like on top of all the projects going on at the house, our real life schedules have become packed as well! I am so ready to just get moved and get back into a normal routine, to feel settled again! Running back and forth daily between our current rental home to our fixer-upper, juggling work schedules, homeschooling, housework, and just keeping up with all 3 kiddos....its been draining! But we are nearing the finish line!!! We officially move into the fixer in 10 days!!! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! There is still much to be done at the house, but at this point I think we can accomplish it better while we are living there.

I am so thankful that all the painting is complete!!! That was a huge job! We had a local painter come in and get all of it done, which was such a blessing! I have done nearly all the painting at our previous homes and I'll tell ya, it was pretty great to walk in each day and more progress had been made, that didn't require I lift a brush! We also had new carpet installed last week in all the bedrooms! Things are feeling much more fresh now! I'll be back with pictures of all that goodness soon!

But today I just wanted to give you guys a little peak into our kitchen progress! I plan to do a full kitchen reveal soon, once the tiny details have all been buttoned up! So for now, I wanna show off the island remodel we did! We knew we wanted to give the island an overhaul and really make it stand out! To make it feel more like a piece of furniture. So let me remind you of what the kitchen island started off as!

(If you guys haven't seen the full "before" tour of the house, you can find Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE.)

 You can see in the above photo that the cabinets weren't in good shape at all! There was breaking and pealing happening. We didn't like the dark counter tops either. It all just looked dated and in need of some Wow factor! So we got to work and now it looks like this!!

(please excuse all the mess you see in the background of these photos, this place is in full renovation mode!)

My awesome hubby is so handy! After cutting off a portion of those side panels, he then wrapped the entire thing in wooden bead board and added trim pieces. Most things in our kitchen will be white, so I wanted this piece to stand out with some color! I love the shade of green we went with and think its makes such an impact in the space! We also had new cabinet doors built, which I plan to share more about later! 

We traded those dark counter tops for beautiful new quartz counter tops and I couldn't be happier! 

And can we just pause a moment and give awe to this beautiful farmhouse sink!!!! I'm in love!!!

The farmhouse sink is something I've wanted for a while now, and I knew this kitchen was perfect for one!! 

So, you see those wooden legs in the background of the photo above? We purchased those before the island was really 'built" and we had intended to use them in the front to add some extra character. But now that the entire piece is put together, I'm not too sure about those legs anymore.... I'm a bit worried they are too bulky, and will cramp the space once we add seating. I took pics with and without the legs and would love you guys to weigh in and give me your thoughts! Of course they would be painted the same color if we decide to use them.

So I would love to hear your feedback! Leave me your thoughts in the comments section below!

I think its going to look great either way, I'm so happy with how its turned out! I am now on the lookout for some great bar stools to fit the rest of the space. I will be back soon with more updates on the rest of the house, and stay tuned for the full kitchen reveal! Thanks for following along with us on this huge project guys!!!!



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