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"Before" House Tour (part 1)

Hey guys! Thanks for all the sweet comments about us buying the new house! Your enthusiasm was appreciated! If you don't know how this flipper house came to be, you can click here to read the full story!

 We were able to get some work done over the weekend and its fun to start seeing things happening! We got all the old kitchen countertops removed and ripped off all the old backsplash. Who knew that could be so therapeutic, but swinging that hammer really relieved some stress! Our painter started as well and I cant wait to get over there and see his progress! Paint can make all the difference in the world!

Ok, so before I get too far ahead, I did want to show you guys the inside pictures!  I snapped quite a few and don't want to overload you all, so decided to break this up into two posts. Today I'll show you the main level and a few more of the outside! Let's get started!

We definitely plan to have the outside painted, its a pretty house and could really pop with the right colors. Not sure yet exactly when that will all take place, but hopefully soon after the inside is finished! Also want to freshen up that garage door. We also have plans for all new landscaping this spring! The list just keep growing! Oh, and the backyard backs up to a creek! How fun is that! I can see our kids having a blast with that this summer!

 So lets walk through this inside a bit....

This is the front door and the "formal" living area. Its not a huge area so styling here will be key! We plan to change out the railing completely, add new ceiling fan and light fixture. The walkway leading to the left there will enter into the kitchen, which you will see in a moment. If you go to the right of the front door, there's a coat closet and then a hallway that leads to a powder room and the master bed and bath. 

This is your view from back near the front door area, this is the dining room. We plan to box out these columns with wood and then stain them. I think it will bring them up to date and also add a fun element to the room!

Our little powder room with the lovely green wallpaper and matching border, and just some random tin in the middle of the wall for fun 🤣 I'm sure whoever picked this out originally loved it, but its just not our style so its got to go! I do like the sink and the gold mirror so those pieces will stay. I'm trying a pop of color in this room and anxious to see how it turns out!

Our master bedroom leads out onto the deck, which I think is a fun feature! This master bath will get a complete overhaul, but that's farther down on the priority list since nobody else will see or use the space. We can live with it as is for now! 

So now for my favorite room in the house! Lets check out the kitchen!!

I have such plans for this space!!! Its not bad as is, but I know it has much more potential! We currently have new cabinets and drawers being built. There will be all new countertops and backsplash. And this island will be receiving a makeover, along with a beautiful new farmhouse sink...*cue happy dance!!! I also love that the kitchen has hardwoods, they just need to be cleaned up and they are good to go!

And can we all just marvel a bit at this AWESOME pantry!!! I'm a teeny bit excited about this beast!

This is the other side of the kitchen (arch on the left leads to dining room) The fireplace will also be getting a facelift. I think this space would be great with some cute little chairs and a new rug, add some cozy elements! The kitchen is always the heart of the home, and where we spend most of our days, especially mama! I really want to give extra attention to this room, to make sure it reaches full potential, because it truly is a great space!!

Hope this hasn't been too much! Its hard to describe the layout of the house through pictures, but hopefully you got the idea! I will be back soon with another post to walk you through the upstairs, and the basement. If you want to ensure you don't miss anything, subscribe to the blog and all new posts will be delivered to your inbox! You can also follow me on instagram and stay up to date on our progress! Thanks guys for tagging along with us on this little adventure! Let me know your thoughts in the comments!!



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