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Our Interior Paint Colors

We are officially moved into the house guys!!! Life has felt like a whirlwind the last couple of weeks!! We are trying to get back into normal routine and settle down a bit! (is this really possible with 3 kiddos, 2 jobs, and living in a fixer upper??) 

 I have so many things I want to catch you guys up on, but today is all about the paint colors we chose for the interior!!

So unless you have been living under a rock, then you all know Chip and Joanna Gaines. Aside from their great show on HGTV, they also have a full line of products including home decor, clothing, accessories...Well recently they partnered with Kilz and launched a paint line!! I've been anxious to try the colors and now was my perfect chance!!

One awesome thing they offer are these peel and stick samples! Since its so hard to pick a color from a computer screen, you can order these samples that are about  9x11" in size and they stick to your wall.  You can really get a better effect of how the color will look with the bigger size. Just stick it to your wall and check it throughout different times of the day with the changing light. I ordered quite a few of these and then narrowed down to my top picks. ( This is less expensive than buying lots of the small sample jars of paint.) Magnolia had soooo many beautiful colors to choose from! I don't think you can go wrong!

We also used some of our favorites, along with a few "new to us" colors from Sherwin Williams. We really wanted to keep things neutral and fresh,  using colors that would flow well and feel cohesive. I couldn't be happier with how it all turned out!!! Every color is exactly what I hoped for!!

 (side note- Miss Pearl was VERY insistent that she have a pink bedroom! We all know that worked out in her favor 🤣 )

I am working daily around here to get this place unpacked and "styled" so that it feels like home. We have made great progress over these past two weeks! I will be back soon to start showing room reveals! But for now, here's all the colors we went with!

Of course these colors tend to look a bit different in real life and real lighting. The Weathered Windmill and American Egg definitely have more green undertones, but they are some of my most favorite colors! Gatherings is just the perfect neutral! Its light and fresh with slightly warm undertones! And Pearl is very happy with her shade of pink 😉

Hoping very soon to be picking exterior colors! And we got a fabulous new front door that I can't wait to show you guys!

If you guys have any questions or anything specific you want to see a post about, feel free to email me or leave a comment in the section below! I always want to keep our topics interesting to the readers! You guys are awesome and I'm excited to continue sharing this adventure with you!



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