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You guys we have some news....

So we kinda went and did this thing!

We bought a flip house you guys!!! So crazy!

(when I try to get him to take a fun photo 😆)

Ok so let me back up a bit...

So, back in October of last year we sold our home. We had been blessed to purchase that home from my wonderful parents-in-law, about 3 years ago. We spent those couple of years working continuously to make it our own and we enjoyed every minute of it! We love projects and before/after makeovers so it was a lot of fun to see the house transform!

But we always knew that we wouldn't stay there forever, so once we completed all on our to-do list, we posted some pics of social media and mentioned selling it. Fast forward a couple of months and it had sold. We had always wanted to build our dream home, and decided now was the time.

So while renting and looking for land to build on, my dear hubby starts talking about doing another flip house..... I was still focused on building and not wanting to tackle any major makeovers...or so I thought. After living in a rental a couple of short months, it didn't take me long to get the creative itch again! I was ready to take something from ugly to pretty! Finally I agreed to "look" if he could find us a good, safe, investment property.

We contacted our realtor to see what was on the market and what would work for us. He had been telling us about Stonegate for a few months and encouraging us that it would be a great investment for us! We decided to walk through the home with an open mind. It hooked us. We could see all the potential of the place! Our minds started whirling with ideas of all the character we could add to make her really shine!!!! We decided to go for it! So fast forward through the weeks, because this whole buying process seems to drag on and on..... well today was closing day and this baby is officially ours!!!

We are very excited to get started on the transformation!! We have so much in store for this place! I plan to share with you guys every step of the way! I didn't want to load this post down too much, so I'll be back with another post of all the "before pics" of the interior, so stay tuned for that!! We are extremely excited about this adventure and thankful for the opportunity and open doors!! Now, I'm headed there because the work is actually starting this weekend!! Yay!!!



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